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    The topic of (our discussion in the previous session) ended
    with answering the problem of the wording of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one has) completed an act
    and the precedence of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one is) occupied in an act over the previous princple
    However since the coming of Arba`in is near
    and some are setting out on a journey...

    In comemoration of 'Arba'ien in regards to mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)
    The topic of (our discussion in the previous session) ended
    with answering the problem of the wording of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one has) completed an act
    and the precedence of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one is) occupied in an act over the previous princple
    However since the coming of Arba`in is near
    and some are setting out on a journey...

    In comemoration of 'Arba'ien in regards to mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)
    In the name of God, the beneficent, the merciful
    Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the Worlds
    May the blessings of God be upon Muhammad
    and his pure progeny
    especially the one remaining from God (i.e., Imam Mahdi)
    ,and the curse of God be upon their enemies till the day of resurrection.
    The topic of (our discussion in the previous session) ended
    with answering the problem of the wording of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one has) completed an act
    and the precedence of the principle of (not paying attention to doubt when one is) occupied in an act over the previous princple
    However since the coming of Arba`in is near
    and some are setting out on a journey...
    a journey in which
    which requires the commitment of all those who
    are successful in bringing awareness and guidance (to people)
    and this is the fruit of seeking knowledge in religion
    The first level (of that understanding) is knowing God
    and knowing God is not possible
    except with the knowing "he who is the path of God"
    "the gateway to God" and "the way to God"
    and with the text of the Qur`ān (that states):
    "Enter the houses from their doorways."
    There are two different aspects to recognising the Imam.
    The first aspect is to understand him as a subject
    and that is that existence come from him
    and blessing come from him
    and that everything in existence is from him
    and the other aspect is understand him as a guide
    as a means to understand the beginning and end of existence
    and to understand him, understanding "where existence comes from"
    will be possible
    To know the divine essence
    of he who is to great and distinguished to be described
    is only possible through the Imam.
    In the ziyarat of the Imams that which has ben written
    and that which has been emphasized is this this sentence:
    "He recognized God's rights"
    Great attention has to be paid to these words.
    "He recognized his rights"
    The phrase proves two points
    The first is a general right
    and the this the right of the "Greater Imamate"
    the greater wilaya
    and the other is a specific right
    "He recognized God's rights"
    Every Imam has rights
    understanding that right
    is the most important basis for recognising and knowing the Imam.
    Furthermore, recognition has to be based on wisdom.
    Other than with wisdom recognition is not in obtainable.
    Wisdom is defined as identifying reality (, what is real)
    either through "a priori" arguments
    or through "a posteriori" arguments
    These two methods are the substance of wisdom.
    The basis for recognition has to be hujjah (proof and justification).
    Hujjah means knowledge and (being) scientific (in methodology).
    If it was established on this basis then,
    it is a recognition that
    ends with the recognition of what is luminousness
    and cannot be described.
    Imam Hussein (a.s.)
    who these commemorations ends with his fortieth,
    knowing him through "a priori" arguments
    or knowing him through "a posteriori" arguments
    is so great that
    except for some among the chosen ones (of God),
    no other has the competence to comprehend the matter at hand.
    Mirza Shirazi, the distinguished among the distinguished,
    Na`ini and Akhund's reverence of him,
    shows Mirza Shirazi's greatness.
    This scholar is the founder of the school of Samarrah,
    the product of which is the second Mirza and
    where the basis of today’s jurisprudence is its product,
    This sentence shows
    how this man was able to reach this great station:
    In his gatherings (majlis), when one of the distinguished scholars would go upon the minbar
    Who used to recite eulogies in that majlis?
    This prominent and dignified scholar (pointing to Sheikh Haeiri's grave)
    the founder of the great Hawzah of Qom,
    which today is the center for Shia studies,
    this great man, in those days, in the presence of Mirza
    used to recite eulogies
    Pay attention to what kind of gathering this was!
    When that great scholar went upon the minbar, in the presence of Mirza
    he said one sentence.
    Many people hear this sentence
    but only the one with knowledge can understand its ture meaning
    When he began his eulogy (of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s.))
    the first senctence he said was this
    "Zaynab came to ibn Marjane"
    as soon as he said this
    Mirza cried out:
    "Stop, that is enough!"
    From morning till noon the Miza hit himself on the head and chest.
    and that, at such a gathering!
    This is knowledge!
    Where has this knowledge gone!
    Who has come to know who Zaynab was! He knew
    When he said:
    Such a person came to such a person, he was heartbroken!
    Not us, the first and the last
    are all effaced at this point!
    Who is he? What is duty?
    There are two important points here:
    One is the subject, the other is the verb.

    One is the cause the other is the effect
    According to the principle of relations and categorization of the alike,
    the relationship between the agent and the deed
    and the agent and the effect.
    There are two different topics for discussion.
    One (subject for discussion) is: who is Hussein ibn Ali (a.s.)?
    This is a discussion beyond the understanding of humanity.
    The other (topic of discussion) is:
    What is the duty of Hussein ibn Ali (a.s.)
    O' what events these days have seen!
    It has seen the days of Adam (as),
    the days of Noah, the saved one of God
    the days of Abraham (as), the friend of God,
    the days of Moses (as), the one who conversed with God,
    the days of Jesus son of Mary (as), the Word of God
    and the days of the substance of the world of existence,
    the epitome of creation, meaning the heart of existance
    the Seal of the Prophets.
    These days have seen 124,000 prophets
    The firs being Adam (a.s.) and the last the Seal (of the Prophets)
    It has seen 124,000 Wasi (Successors)
    124,000 Wasi, the first being Hibat Allah
    and the last the Commander of the Believers, the leader of the Muslims.
    It has seen all these eras.
    It has seen the all the martyrs, from the first till the last.
    It has seen the truthful ones, from the first till the last
    Yet what astonishes the intellect
    that the proof of God, the tongue (who speaks on behalf) of God,
    that is him who does not speak anything from his own desire,
    states, "There is no day like the day of Hussein (a.s.)!"
    It becomes evident that the days of 124,000 prophets
    have fallen short in comparison to this day (of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom).
    There is no day like the day of Hussein!
    Those of you who are present (at this gathering),
    without exaggeration, some of you
    are lectuers of high level (kharij) seminary studies (fiqh and usul),
    some are lectuers of the highest level (sutuh `aliyah) of seminary studies,
    You have to understand these issues and make others understand.
    when he says,
    “There is no day like the day of Hussein”
    he is considering all the days
    and seeing all that occurs and only then he says,
    “There is no day like the day of Hussein”
    "What is this deed?! What has he done?!
    It can be summarised in one statement and that is:
    the principle of the oneness and uniqueness of God, the hereafter,
    the prophethood of prophets, the vicegerency of vicegerents
    and every divinely revealed book
    are thankful for the blood of the Master of Martyrs.
    This is the kind of effect that this blood had.
    It is necessary (to mention) one narration today
    and although its explication demands considerable contemplation,
    those who are up to it should pay attention
    because it is based on wisdom
    and the basis of religion has to be based on a cogent proof (hujjah al-qat`iyah).
    The narration (in question) has been related in three ways (chains of narrations).
    Two ways is from al-Kulayni
    and the other is from the Master of Traditionalists (Shaykh al-Muhaddithin), al-Saduq
    I will read the narration in accordance with Shaykh’s (al-Saduq) reporting
    but with attention to the chain of transmitters and the content (of the report)
    because this is not a laymans gathering
    and you have to be equipped with complete knowledge
    and also turn the views of the rest of the people (in favour of the argument presented).
    Master of Traditionalists Saduq, from his father.
    Who is his father? `Ali b. Musa b. Babuya,
    (who is) reliable as confirmed by Shaykh Tusi, Allāmah Hilli, and Najashi,
    from Sa`d b. Abdullah.
    Who is Sa`d b. Abdullah?
    (He) is reliable as confirmed by Shaikh al-Tā`ifah (Shaykh Tusi), by ibn Shahr Ashub, and by Allamah Hilli,
    from Ya`qub b. Yazid.
    Who was this man (Ya`qūb b. Yazīd)?
    (He) is reliable as confirmed by Shaikh al-Tā`ifah, and the foremost in study of narrators
    the one who is trusted by all; Najāshī.
    Who is the next in the chain? From ibn abī Umayr
    who all of the individuals named agree on his authenticity and truthfulness.
    Who came before him? From Mu`awiyah b. Abi Wahab
    whose reliability is confirmed by the likes of Najāshī and Allāmah.
    This distinguished chain of narrators is what we are referencing from.
    Only those who are experts in the field know what kind of chain of transmitters we are dealing with.
    Those like Shaykh Ansari, who on the basis of the minor details

    of the Primacy of Caution (isalah al-ihtiyat)
    issued a verdict according to this chain of narrators.
    This is the kind of supported chain we are dealing with.
    What is the text of the report? The text states that:
    Mu`awiyah b. Abi Wahab said,
    “I went to Abi Abdillah, Ja’far b. Muhammad (a.s.),
    I saw that he had fallen to prostration…”
    "The words that were recited in this prostration, amaze and astonish the intellect.
    "O you who have endowed us (i.e., Ahlul Bayt) with greatness."
    Pay attention to how it begins.
    He is speaking with God.
    The issue is that important.
    "O you who have endowed us (i.e., Ahlul Bayt) with greatness and who endowed us with executorship (of religious affairs)
    and have promised us intercession
    and chose us to be successors
    and knowledge of what has passed and what will come to be
    and made the hearts of the people to be attracted toward us."
    He has conversed with God about five issues,
    each of which needs a separate discussion of its own.
    There is no time (to discuss these statements).
    After these words he said,
    "Grant me salvation
    "Grant me salvation and (also grant salvation) to my brothers..."
    Then he did not pray (and ask for salvation) for anyone else.
    What is the third prayer,
    We realise it from this point.
    The "a priori" argument that we mentioned above which can only be through the effect of his deeds is this (third prayer):
    "Grant me salvation and (also grant salvation) to my brothers
    and (also grant salvation) to those who make the pilgrimage to the grave of my father Hussein."
    What has happened
    that the pilgrims to his grave, have reached such a status?!
    Then he continues to converse with God.
    The conversation of the sixth Imam (S) with the Lord of all Masters
    astonishes every intellect.
    What is amazing is this sentence:
    "...and have mercy."
    and the mercy which he asks for
    Do you know what he's asking for?
    (It is the) mercy he is asking from the Most Merciful (God).
    Read the Quran
    "And the mercy of your Lord is better than all other things."
    This mercy is being sought by such a seeker
    from the most merciful,
    but for whom?
    "And have mercy on those eyes that tears flow from it because of compassion towards us."
    """Those eyes that tears flow from them because of compassion towards us.""

    "And have mercy on those eyes that tears flow from it because of compassion towards us."
    """Those eyes that tears flow from them because of compassion towards us.""
    I am lost for words.
    """Those eyes that tears flow from them because of compassion towards us.""
    The phrase, “compassion towards us”
    Those tears that are cried out
    because of compassion for that broken rib (of Fatima),
    that Mohsen who was killed in the womb,
    the fractured skull (of Imam `Ali)
    and that throat which was shot at.
    "…that tears flow from it because of compassion towards us
    "and have mercy on those hearts."
    Send mercy on those hearts.
    But which hearts?
    "Hearts which have grief
    and are burning for us."
    The hearts which are in grief
    and are burning for us.
    This is the tragedy!
    Who is stating these words?
    "burning for us."
    "What has occurred?! What has happened?!
    Do not think these mourning rituals and ceremonies are a big matter:
    "Hearts which are burning for us."
    If the entire world burns (of grief) it is still not enough.
    Do you know what has happened?!
    "Fie to those who alter and try to diminish these mourning rituals and ceremonies.
    Wake up!
    "People of Iran! Know that the smallest thing that
    weakens the signs (i.e., mourning rituals and ceremonies) of Imam Hussein (S)
    will break the back of the Seal of the Prophets.
    "The mourning rituals, these beatings of the chest, these beatings of one’s self with chains
    have to be observed and safeguarded to the highest degree.
    The issue at hand is not a game.
    Whose words are these?
    "Have mercy on those who wail severely (sirkhah) for us."
    "These uneducated individuals
    have no right to tell people to cry quietly.
    "This is the sixth Imam, the leader of the (Shī`ah) creed!
    This is the kind of narration we are dealing with!
    Who is a jurisconsult (faqih)?
    Jurisconsults are no more.
    "Na`ini was a jurisconsult. Burujerdi was a jurisconsult.
    These expert jurisconsults have said:
    "Beat your chests, whip yourselves with chains
    and even if blood appears, let it be
    These were the experts.
    Cry quietly?!
    What are they saying?
    Sayeheh, What is sayeheh?
    whip yourselves with chains
    What is sirkhah?
    Severe wailing is sirkhah.
    "The sixth Imam (S) states, “God! Be compassionate towards

    those who wail for us.”
    "Have mercy on those who wail severely for us."
    "O God! I entrust it to you."
    "O God! I entrust it to you."
    "O God!
    "The great scholar Na`ini, that same distinguished person who
    the pride of great scholars is to
    discover the peculiarities of his book "Libas al-Mashkuk"
    that distinguished person whom
    "states, “Beating of one’s chest, whipping one’s self with chains for the Master of Martyrs
    "even if blood appears is permissible.
    Permissibility in this verdict does mean that it is not haram and not wajib.
    You who are the jurists!
    This verdict is the verdict of a very distinguished jurisconsult.
    After he gave this verdict,
    great scholars of religion
    like Sayyid Muhsin Hakim, with is book "Mustamsik"
    wrote commentary to this ruling wrote:
    "The verdict of our Shaykh is more dignified than
    to need the signature of approval of a person like me."
    Scholars such as the great expert jurisconsult, Shahrudi wrote:
    Verily it (the verdict) is due to complete research (of the issue at hand).
    "(So said the same) all other great scholars, until you reach those who are resting (beneath) this place.
    These (individuals) are the pillars of jurisprudence and knowledge of Islam.
    This is the verdict of the likes of Ha`iri.
    It is Burujerdi when he was asked
    “In our city they build (miniature) shrines
    then on Ashura they put a black cloth over it
    they bring it out as a standard (alam)."
    This is a jurisconsult!
    "The reply was, “In each city
    "mourning ceremony has to be conducted, according to its own tradition.""
    These are the jurisconsults of our creed!
    These individuals have studied all the issues of "Infliction of the self"
    with the greatest detail
    They have seen all the narrations (of the Ahlul Bayt)
    with their chain of transmitters and proofs of their authentication.
    They have completed all major and minor issues
    they have covered all the topics conscerning the issue of "La Dharar" (No Loss)
    After (having reached such a stage of scholarship) they state that in this path
    is no problem with so and so amount of harm (mentioned previously).
    People on the day of Ashura
    have to turn their attention only towards Karbala.
    Where?! The place who the distinguished among the distinguished,
    that is to say, Mirza Shirazi, the second Mirza,
    the very person who hundreds like Balaghi
    are proud to call themselves one of his students,
    "a person like this, on the day of Ashura,
    bare headed and bare footed
    would beat his chest in a procession named Tuiraj
    "This is an expert in Islamic law! This is the evidence of (our) community for (how to mourn)!
    Look to him in Ashura!
    Who will you listen to on Fatimiyah!
    "Listen to him who the likes of the late Ayatollah Milani, and Ayatollah Khu`i
    prided in being
    the student of such a scholar as Isfahani
    Listen to what he is saying!
    What does he say?!
    (He says,) “I don't know about what happened with the nail
    Ask her chest which has stored (that and many other) secrets.”
    "The whole country, on Ashura, and on the third of Jamadi al-Thani,
    every procession organizer, every mourner must come to the streets
    and whip themselves with chains for that person whom
    "`Ali b. abi Talib, that great man of the world of existence
    and the axis of the circle of contingent (existence),
    "who at her graveside said,
    "My soul is imprisoned because of these breaths
    If only these breaths would leave (me and allow me to die)."

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