• The Official Website for The G.A. Wahid Khorasani

    Mid-Sha`ban cannot be described or understood.
    We hear some descriptions but understanding these subjects
    is beyond the limits of our understanding.
    Who is Imam Zaman? This is one question.
    What is the Qur`an? This is the second question.

    Statements of Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani for the occasion of mid-Sha'ban
    Mid-Sha`ban cannot be described or understood.
    We hear some descriptions but understanding these subjects
    is beyond the limits of our understanding.
    Who is Imam Zaman? This is one question.
    What is the Qur`an? This is the second question.

    Statements of Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani for the occasion of mid-Sha'ban
    Friday 26/05/1387 H.S. corresponding to 13/08/1429 A.H.
    In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful
    Mid-Sha`ban cannot be described or understood.
    We hear some descriptions but understanding these subjects
    is beyond the limits of our understanding.
    Who is Imam Zaman? This is one question.
    What is the Qur`an? This is the second question.
    As for what is Qur`an.
    Those who study the Qur`an know that what is
    located bain al-daftayn, between the two covers of this book,
    is everything that God revealed to the 124 000 prophets.
    It is all in this book.
    Comprehending and understanding the subject matter astonishes the intellect.
    That is, that which was with Adam and
    that which God gave to Noah,
    that which God favoured his friend Abraham with,
    that which the Creator gave to Moses, son of Imran and
    bestowed on Jesus, son of Mary,
    that which was given to the first person in creation and the complete intellect,
    all are in this book.
    It begins with, "In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful," (that is,) the chapter (called) al-Hamd
    and ends with the chapter (called) Nas (human beings).
    This is the Qur`an!
    Everyone has to do his duty in regards to the Qur`an.
    The duty (one has) in regards to the Quran can be summed up in two words,
    the matter at hand can be summarised in these two words.
    One is the reciting of the Qur`an, this is the first word,
    the second word is acting and behaving in accordance with the Qur`an.
    As for reciting the holy Qur`an.
    Whatever can be said (in regards to the matter) is contained in the words of the People of the House (of the Prophet).
    True knowledge is only that which is in the Qur`an and narrations (of the People of the House).
    Whatever comes from other than these sources is void.
    It is stated in a narration with a complete chain containing trustworthy reporters that
    The proof and sign of Allah stated, "Anything that..."
    The word 'any' is an indefinite pronoun that is general.
    "...has not come out of this house is void"
    "Anything that has not come out of this house..." Meaning the household of the People of the House that
    "Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House!
    and to purify you a (thorough) purifying."
    That which is from other than this Household is void.
    Now, what is it that has come out of this House?
    We will summarize it.
    From today, all of you act according to this programme:
    The Commander of the Faithful stated to his son Mohammad ibn al-Hanafiyah,
    "This Qur`an is the covenant of God."
    It is the covenant between God and his servants.
    A will that (comes) from a father like the Commander of the Faithful
    to a person like Mohammad ibn Hanafiyah.
    This is (something) that requires (deep contemplating) for its comprehension.
    He stated, "This book is the covenant of God.
    Try not to let any day pass
    unless you renew your covenant with God."
    His Excellency has stated the minimum (requirement).
    As for the maximum (requirement), it does not have a limit. Why?
    Because the Qur`an is the light (of guidance).
    Any verse which is added (to the daily reading of the Qur`an) becomes light upon light.
    He said, "Do not abandon (reading) at least fifty verses a day."
    Read at least fifty verses of the Qur`an.
    This sentence is enough.
    (Imagine) if someone reads fifty verses a day!
    The word of the Commander (of the Faithful) is the Commander of words.
    We never gained (complete) understanding of who `Ali ibn Abi Talib (s) was!
    (The prophet (s) has stated,) "I am the city of knowledge and `Ali is its gate"
    Such a person calculated that
    in those fifty verses are all the necessary gems.
    Origin (of creation), resurrection and hereafter, ethics and legal obligations.
    If anyone attains the grace (of God) so as to
    to read fifty verses (of the Qur`an) every day, the question still remains as to how he/she should read them.
    There is a strategy and way to reading (in order to gain the maximum benefit).
    "Do they not then reflect on the Qur`an? Or are there locks on their hearts?"
    That recitation and reading (of the Qur`an) must be accompanied with contemplation.
    If every person recites fifty verses of the Qur`an every day in this manner
    after forty days his soul will become a red (fiery) elixir.
    How unfortunate that our life passed us by and
    we did not manage to benefit from our life
    in its full potential.
    Start from today.
    Do not recite less than fifty verses. The more the better.
    However, the (important) point is this:
    Sometimes actions are (considered to be) for me (and increases our vanity).
    Such an action has no value.
    A person must not lose himself (in his ego and vanity).
    What is my value and what is so special about me?
    From head to toe I am guilty and full of shortcomings.
    This is (what we mean when we say) you have to find the (correct) way.
    Sometimes reciting the Qur`an becomes mine (and means for becoming vain).
    (On the other hand) sometimes the person makes use of his/her intellect and then, the page is turned.
    If you do this, it is only then that the page will be turned (on how your state will be).
    That Qur`an which you read to that minimum (amount of verses mentioned before)-
    in regards to the maximum (amount reading), the more the better-
    gift all of the blessings (you acquire from that reading) to the Master of our Era, the Imam of our Time.
    If you gift it to him
    the action (of reciting the Qur`an) will become more than being just for me and you.
    Its relation will return to him (the twelfth Imam).
    That is, if the action is for me
    will it then be accepted (from me) or not?
    Such an action contains a thousand deficiencies.
    However, if you read the Qur`an and
    gift it to the Imam of our Time
    no angel has the power (to deny that).
    In fact it has to ascend until it reaches the Highest Throne.
    Start this first practice from today.
    Grab the maximum (of that which you are capable of achieving).
    Try to read as much of the Qur`an as you can.
    (Then,) gift it to the Master of our Era and Time.
    But (now, as to) who is the Imam of our Time (Imam Zaman).
    Any description is insufficient for stating what a gem he is!
    There is a narration from which you can draw all the necessary conclusions.
    That narration is the one reported by Saduq who narrates it from the fourth Imam, Imam Zayn al-Abedin.
    This is the narration:
    "The one who in his occultation…"
    From this (narration) it becomes obvious that
    those who live in the period of his occultation
    can achieve such a status.
    What is his status?
    From this narration one should understand the conclusion of the subject matter from the way it begins.
    I myself am astonished by this.
    The narration is such a narration that
    the master of narrators (specialized in that science), Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn Babawayh al-Saduq reports it.
    He reports it in such a book that
    he wrote when commanded by the Imam Zaman.
    The narration is this:
    "Those who in the duration of his occultation
    pass away while having his (i.e., Imam Zaman's) guardianship
    their reward and blessings (with God) is equivalent to (the reward of) a thousand martyrs
    from the martyrs of Badr and Uhud.
    This is the station of those who
    in his occultation are firm (in their belief) in his guardianship.
    Now, what kind of status does the Imam of our Time have himself?
    Firstly, what is the secret of this narration?
    The answer (to that question) requires much focus and insight and can only be found in religious teachings.
    "Everything is before his sight in due proportion."
    "And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the balance."
    "And We will set up a just balance."
    the divine plan observes the balance (in creation) fully (without any shortcomings in any way).
    The secret of this greatness is that
    near the end of time, protecting one's faith and religion is most difficult.
    The problems (that occur during this era) is not one or two things.
    For the elite there (are) a great number of certain difficulties and
    for the general public there is great many other difficulties.
    Likewise, for women there will be certain kind of difficulties and
    for youth there will be certain others.
    Then, in this time, with difficulties and problems being to such degree of severity, keeping one's religion...
    (All one has to do is refer) to the narrations that (have come down to us) regarding the period near the end of time.
    One will be astonished. One narration talks about
    the danger of the end of time being so severe that
    in the morning a person will go out of his home believing in religion,
    when he comes back home at night he will be without a belief in religion.
    It will reach such severity.
    In such a time, keeping one's faith and
    holding on to the guardianship of the People of the House, its beginning is this:
    "And (as for) those who strive hard for Us."
    This is because this time, is the time to strive (and striving should be) only in the way of Allah.
    (One should) have patience when stricken with poverty, patience when stricken with calamities,
    patience with regards to obeying (God) and patience with regards to (keeping away from) sins.
    One needs to have more patience in these times.
    When difficulties become severe and
    one is faced with those difficulties
    (then,) the reward and blessings will reach the (aforementioned) station.
    At that time any one of you, men or women,
    if in this time
    be steadfast in (holding onto) the guardianship of People of the House and
    be pious (individuals)
    when death overtakes you, man or woman,
    you will have the reward and blessings of a thousand martyrs of the battle of Badr and Uhud.
    This is the narration from Sheikh Saduq
    and the one narrated from is the Master of those who prostrate, Zayn al-Abedin.
    Now if his servants (and followers) have such a status
    during his occultation, then what is his status and station?!
    This is where intellects become struck back.
    When he came into this world on the day of mid-Sha`ban
    -it is reported as such in the narrations
    that he was born on the fifteenth of Sha`ban-
    When he was born
    a light came forth from this newborn and
    this light reached the highest point of heavens.
    What kind of soul and spirituality is this that
    (causes) this body due to the supremacy of its inner spiritual light,
    to become so radiant.
    There is a limit to for how far the lights illuminating property can reach.
    This light (of al-Mahdi) reaches the ends of those limits.
    Furthermore, the Sun's light has its limit.
    The light that shined forth when the Master of our Time was born,
    this light reached the highest heavens.
    Anyway, in Samarrah
    a sun rose on mid-Sha`ban that
    lit the throne of Allah.
    When he spoke his first sentences while
    putting his hands on the ground (prostrating for God), he said,
    "Allah bears witness that there is no god except Him
    and (also bear witness) the angels and the people of knowledge.
    Maintaining His creation with justice.
    There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.”
    He recited the verse of shahadah (bearing witness).
    Then he recited this sentence,
    "Verily, the religion with (and accepted by) Allah is only Islam."
    Now, let those who are the contemplating type think.
    Those who are acquainted with Qur`anic sciences,
    know what
    kind of station the Shahadah verse has!
    The verse of Shahadah is this:
    "Allah bears witness that there is no god except Him
    and (also bear witness) the angels and the people of knowledge.
    Maintaining His creation with justice.
    The word with the highest (status) is 'There is no god but Allah'.
    This was the condition of his birth and
    speaking in this way has a detailed explanation of its own.
    If the opportunity arises,
    God willing, I will talk about it in detail.
    Now I can only give some brief pointers.
    The most important word is 'There is no god but Allah'.
    But there is a secret reason why the word 'He' was used (in the aforementioned verse).
    That which bears witness (to this point) is the chapter of Tawhid.
    "Say: He is one."
    It begins with the word 'He'.
    "Say: He is one."
    First the word 'He' (is used) then (the word) 'Allah'.
    In the verse of Shahadah there is no "There is no god but Allah."
    In the verse of Shahadah there is "there is no god except Him".
    "Allah bears witness that there is no god except Him..."
    First (in the verse), there is the bearing witness of Allah,
    then the bearing witness of the angels and
    then the bearing witness of the people of knowledge.
    What is he bearing witness to? "there is no god except Him."
    The first sentence that
    was uttered by the Imam of our Time was the (aforementioned) sentence.
    To sum it up, the sentence that
    all of the prophets and chosen people (of God) reached at the end,
    this was the first word of his first day (in this world)!
    This is who the Imam of our Time is!
    He said, "Allah bears witness that there is no god except Him
    and (also bear witness) the angels and the people of knowledge. Maintaining His creation with justice.
    There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.”
    Then, "Verily, the religion with (and accepted by) Allah is only Islam."
    Nothing else needs to be said.
    In the sentence, "Verily, the religion with (and accepted by) Allah is only Islam," there is wonderment.
    On this first day of his birth he said what he was going to do at the end.
    Now the person who on the first day of his birth,
    the light of his forehead covered the throne of Allah with light,
    now after a thousand or so years,
    with the pains he has felt (over what is happening with humanity and the word of God and so forth),
    with all those difficulties which he has faced...
    We simply cannot comprehend the matter at hand.
    Every sin that is committed by a person
    will lacerate his heart!
    Every problem and difficulty that arises for any Shi`ah
    will disrupt his soul.
    It is for this reason that during this time (of occultation)
    no one knows the difficulties of the Imam of our Time except Allah!
    Think about it.
    You go to Karbala and
    your eyes will fall on that hexagonal tomb (of Imam Husayn),
    what do you feel (at that moment)?!
    But he is always in front of that grave and
    and he sees the torn pieces of that body.
    (Now think) how his time passes!
    He will come to Mashhad.
    When he looks and he sees Imam Reda,
    he sighs like a person bitten by a (poisonous) snake!
    When he goes near the grave of Siddiqah Kubrah (the daughter of the Prophet),
    he sees her battered body!
    Now, for the one whose light, from the first day
    illuminated all of the firmaments,
    after all these calamities and all that worship,
    where is the radiance of his soul?!
    To summarized the issue (and the answer to the question of where his radiance is consider this).
    God has a verse in the Qur`an:
    "And the earth shall glow with the light of its Lord."
    This verse has been interpreted as referring to the appearance of the Imam of our Time.
    This is the light of Imam Zaman!
    If the reality of a person is as such then,
    his rank and status is beyond our comprehension.
    This is the verse and this is its explanation.
    God states,
    the earth shall glow with the light of its Lord.
    But for the explanation of this verse He states that
    the light of the Lord which will illuminate the entire Earth
    is the Master of our Era and Time.
    O Allah, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of al­Hasan
    Send Your blessings on him and his forefathers.
    In this hour and in every hour.
    As (our) guardian and protector,
    and a leader and a helper,
    a proof, and a source of guidance.
    until You place him on Your earth (as the head of a just government)
    and bestow him an extended stay in it.
    Allah. Send Your blessings and peace upon (our) guardian (sent) by You, the Master of our Time,
    which are limitless in Your knowledge.
    Send everlasting blessings (on him) for the duration of your kingdom (which is forever).
    and hasten his reappearance
    and purge all corruption from the affairs of Muslims.

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