Grand Ayatollah Wahdi alKhorasani calls for group dua on the night of the middle of Sha'ban
The Announcement of the General Time for Invocation and the Collective Reading of Tawassul for the Acceleration of the Appearance of the Imam of the Age (May Peace be upon him)
With respect to the narrations reported from the Household (may peace be upon them) in regard to the effectiveness of collective invocation, and on the basis of the extraordinary importance of the fifteenth night of sha‘bān; the anniversary of the Imam of blessing and kindness, and the most excellent night of the year after the night of Qadr. His highness great Āyatollāh Wahīd Khurāsānī has stated: (It is worthy for the men believers and the women believers to read Sūrat Yāsīn as a gift to his holiness the Imam of the Age (May we be ransom for him) and the reading of the ziyārat of (salām ‘alā āli yāsīn). Then they should read (du‘ā faraj) at exactly 11 at the night of fifteenth of Sha‘bān and ask Allah the Most Exalted the acceleration of the appearance of the [Imam] born at the fifteenth night of sha‘bān.
In addition it is suitable that the reading of Sūrat Yāsīn, invocation, and tawassul should be achieved through collective reading at every holy place and at the gatherings of feast and happiness at that night.