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    1017. Obligatory precaution dictates that if a person recites sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah in the third or fourth rak‘ah, its bismillÁh should also be recited in a low voice.

    1018. If a person is unable to learn the tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah, or is unable to recite it correctly, he should recite sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah in the third and fourth rak‘ah.

    1019. A person who recites tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah in the first two rak‘ah, under the impression that they are the last two rak‘ah, should recite sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah and the second sÙrah if he realizes prior to reaching rukÙ‘. However, if he realizes during or after rukÙ‘, his prayer is valid.

    1020. If a person recites sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah in the last two rak‘ah, under the impression that they are the first two rak‘ah, or recites sÙrat al- FÁtiÎah in the first two rak‘ah, under the impression they are the last two rak‘ah, his prayer is valid, regardless of whether he realizes prior to rukÙ‘ or after it.

    1021. If during the third or fourth rak‘ah, a person intended to recite sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah, but due to a slip of the tongue, he began to recite tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah, or vice versa, he must abandon it and repeat either sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah. However, if he is habituated to reciting that which came upon his tongue, he may complete it and his prayer will be valid.

    1022. If a person is habituated to reciting tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah in the third and fourth rak‘ah, but begins to recite sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah without intending it—even without the intention of that which is obligatory on him—he should abandon it and repeat either sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah.

    1023. It is recommended to seek forgiveness from God after reciting tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah in the third and fourth rak‘ah. For example, one should say:
    اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّهَ رَبِّى وَ اَتُوبُ اِلَيْهِ ({^I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, and to Him do I return. ^})
    Astaghfirullaaha rabbi wa atubu ilaih
    اَللّهُمَ اغْفِرْ لِى ({^ O! Allah! Forgive me! ^})
    Allahummagh firlee
    If a person doubts whether he has recited sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah, prior to bowing for rukÙ‘—regardless of whether it is while he is seeking forgiveness or after it—he should recite either sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah.

    1024. If during the rukÙ‘ of the third or fourth rak‘ah, a person doubts whether or not he has recited sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah, he should dismiss his doubt. However, if he doubts prior to reaching the limits of rukÙ‘, he should stand and recite either sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah.

    1025. Whenever a person doubts whether he has correctly recited a verse or a word in a verse after its completion, he should dismiss his doubt, regardless of whether he has begun to recite the next part or not. However, if he entertains this doubt prior to its completion, he should attend to his doubt and repeat the word and that which is after it correctly, even if it entails repeating that which is before it. In both cases, there is no problem in repeating the verse or word to ensure its correctness, so long as it does not entail satanic whispering, in which case, repeating it is forbidden. However, to claim that such a repetition invalidates prayer is problematic, though obligatory precaution dictates that one should repeat his prayer after completing it.

    1026. It is recommended for one to recite a‘Ùdhu bi Allahi min al-shayÔÁni al-rajÐm (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan) in the first rak‘ah prior to sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah.

    1027. It is recommended to recite sÙrat al-qadr in the first rak‘ah and sÙrat al-tawÎÐd in the second rak‘ah of every prayer.

    1028. It is makrÙh to not recite sÙrat al-tawÎÐd in any of the daily prayers throughout the day.

    1029. It is makrÙh to recite sÙrat al-tawÎÐd in one breath.

    1030. It is makrÙh to recite the sÙrah that one recites in the first rak‘ah of prayer, in the second rak‘ah, except for sÙrat al-tawÎÐd.

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