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    1192. KathÐr al-shakk is a person who is considered to doubt a lot according to the common understanding. An instance of kathÐr al-shakk is a person who entertains a doubt in each of three consecutive prayers. Such a person should dismiss his doubt so long as his doubt is not caused by anger, fear or anxiety.

    1193. If a kathÐr al-shakk doubts whether he has carried out a part or condition of prayer or not, he should assume that he has carried it out. For example, if he doubts whether he has performed the rukÙ or not, he should assume he has done so. Similarly if he doubts whether he has performed an act that invalidates prayer or not, such as doubting whether he has performed two or three rak‘ah in the fajr prayer, he should assume the validity of his prayer.

    1194. If a person who excessively entertains doubts regarding a particular part of prayer, entertains a doubt regarding another part, he should act according to the instructions of that doubt. For example, if a person who entertains a lot of doubts regarding sujÙd, doubts whether he has performed rukÙ or not, he should act according to its instructions. That is, if he has not performed sujÙd, he should perform the rukÙ. However, if he has proceeded to sujÙd, he should dismiss his doubt.

    1195. If a person who excessively entertains doubts in a particular prayer, such as the Ûuhr prayer, entertains a doubt in another prayer, such as the ‘aÒr prayer, he should act according to the instructions for that doubt.

    1196. If a person who entertains a lot of doubts while praying in a particular place, entertains a doubt while praying in another place, he should act according to the instructions for that doubt.

    1197. If a person doubts whether he has become kathÐr al-shakk or not, he should act according to the instructions of the doubt (he entertains in his prayer). On the other hand, a kathÐr al-shakk should dismiss his doubts until he is certain he has returned to a normal condition.

    1198. If a person who doubts excessively, entertains a doubt as to whether he has performed a pillar or not, and dismisses his doubt only to realize later on that he had in fact omitted that pillar, his prayer will be deemed invalid if it is the takbÐrat al-ihram, regardless of whether he has proceeded to the subsequent pillar or not. If it is other than the takbÐrat al-ihram, he should perform it, so long as he has not proceeded to the subsequent pillar. However, if he has proceeded to the subsequent pillar, his prayer will be deemed invalid. For example, if a person doubts whether he performed rukÙ or not, and dismisses his doubt, but prior to engaging in sujÙd, realizes that he had not performed rukÙ, he should return and perform it. However, if he realizes it during his second sujÙd, his prayer will be deemed invalid.

    1199. If a person who doubts excessively, entertains a doubt as to whether or not he has performed a part of prayer that is not a pillar, and dismisses his doubt, only to realize later on that he had in fact omitted it, he should perform it so long as he has not passed its place. However, if its place has passed, his prayer will be valid. For example, if a person doubts whether he has recited sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or not, and dismisses his doubt, but realizes during qunÙt that he had omitted it, he should recite it. If he realizes after proceeding to rukÙ, his prayer will be valid.

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