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    1224. A person, upon whom the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer is obligatory, should immediately stipulate the intention for iÎtiyÁÔ prayer after reciting salÁm. He should then pronounce the takbÐrat al-iÎrÁm, recite sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah and then proceed to rukÙ and sujÙd. If a one rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer is obligatory on him, he should recite the tashahhud after the two sujÙd and recite salÁm. However, if a two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer is obligatory upon him, after the two sujÙd he should perform another rak‘ah similar to the first rak‘ah, and recite salÁm after the tashahhud.

    1225. There is no qunÙt or second sÙrah in the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer. One should recite it in a low voice and should not verbalize its intention. Obligatory precaution dictates that the (بسم الله) should also be recited in a low voice.

    1226. If prior to offering the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person realizes that he offered his prayer correctly, the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer would thereafter not be applicable. If a person realizes during the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, it is not necessary for him to complete it and may thereafter complete it with the intention of a two rak‘ah nÁfilah prayer.

    1227. If prior to offering the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person realizes that the rak‘ah he performed were less than what is required, he should perform what was omitted so long as he has not performed an act that invalidates prayer. Obligatory precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw for the inopportune salÁm and for any other extraneous instance that may have occurred. However, if he has performed an action that invalidates prayer, such as turning his back to the qiblah, he should repeat his prayer.

    1228. If after offering the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person realizes that the portion omitted from his prayer is equal to the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer—for example, if the doubt was between two and four rak‘ah, and a person offers a two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and it later transpires that he did in fact only perform two rak‘ah—his prayer will be valid.س

    1229. If after offering the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person realizes that portion omitted from his prayer is less than the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer—for example, if the doubt was between two and four rak‘ah, and a person offers a two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and it later transpires that he had in fact performed three rak‘ah—he should repeat his prayer

    1230. If after offering the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person realizes that the omitted portion of his prayer is greater than the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and has performed an act that invalidates prayer, such as turning his back to the qiblah, he should repeat his prayer. However, if he has not performed an act that invalidates prayer, obligatory precaution dictates he should supplement the omitted portion to his prayer and complete it. He should then offer two sajdat al-sahw for the inopportune salÁm in the actual prayer and the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and for any other extraneous instance that may have occurred. He should then repeat his prayer.

    1231. If a person entertains a doubt between two, three and four rak‘ah, and after performing two rak‘ah of iÎtiyÁÔ prayer standing, he recollects that he had performed two rak‘ah of prayer, it is not necessary for him to offer two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer sitting.

    1232. If a person entertains a doubt between three and four rak‘ah, and during the two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer that is offered sitting, prior to arriving at the first rukÙ, he recollects that he had in fact performed three rak‘ah, he should disregard what he has offered, and should complete the omitted portion of his prayer, as dictated by obligatory precaution.
    He should then offer two sajdat al-sahw for the additional salÁm, and another two for the additional tashahhud, if there was any, and then repeat his prayer. However, if he recollects after rukÙ, his prayer will be deemed invalid.

    1233. If a person entertains a doubt between two, three and four rak‘ah, and during the two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer that is offered standing, prior to arriving at the second rukÙ, he recollects that he had in fact performed three rak‘ah, then obligatory precaution will dictate that he sit and complete his iÎtiyÁÔ prayer as a one rak‘ah prayer. He should then offer two sajdat al-sahw for the additional salÁm and another two for the additional tashahhud, if there was any, and repeat his prayer.

    1234. If during the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, prior to arriving at the first rukÙ, a person realizes that the omitted portion of his prayer is greater or less than the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and he is unable to complete the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer in a manner that conforms to the omitted portion—for example, if a person entertains a doubt between three and four rak‘ah, and during the two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer that is offered sitting, he realizes that he had in fact performed two rak‘ah—he should disregard the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer (as two rak‘ah sitting cannot account for two rak‘ah standing). Obligatory precaution dictates that he should complete the omitted portion of his prayer, offer two sajdat al-sahw for the additional salÁm and another two for the additional tashahhud, if there was any, and repeat his prayer.
    However, if he realizes after the first rukÙ, his prayer will be deemed invalid.

    1235. If a person doubts whether he has offered an iÎtiyÁÔ prayer that he was obligated to offer or not, he should dismiss his doubt if the time of prayer has elapsed. However, if there is time remaining, and only a small period of time has elapsed between the prayer and his doubt, and he has not performed an act that invalidates the prayer, such as turning his back to the qiblah, he should offer the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer. However, if he has performed an act that invalidates prayer, or a great period of time has elapsed between the prayer and his doubt, obligatory precaution dictates that he should repeat his prayer.

    1236. If a person performs two rak‘ah in lieu of one rak‘ah in the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, or an additional rukn, the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer will be deemed invalid, therefore requiring him to repeat the original prayer.

    1237. If during an iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person entertains a doubt regarding a component of the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, he should perform it, so long as its place has not passed. However, if its place has passed, he should dismiss his doubt. For example, if he doubts whether he has recited sÙrat al-FÁtiÎah or not, he should recite it so long as he has not proceeded to rukÙ. However, if he has proceeded to rukÙ, he should dismiss his doubt.

    1238. If a person entertains a doubt regarding the number of rak‘ah (he has offering) in an iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, then if the greater number of rak‘ah invalidates the prayer, he should assume he has performed the lesser number of rak‘ah. However, if the greater number of rak‘ah does not invalidate the prayer, he should assume the greater. For example, if a person doubts he whether has performed two or three rak‘ah while engaged in a two rak‘ah iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, he should assume he has performed two rak‘ah, as three rak‘ah would invalidate the prayer. However, if a person doubts whether he has performed one or two rak‘ah, he should assume he has performed the greater number, being two rak‘ah, as it would not invalidate the prayer.

    1239. If a person engaged in an iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, forgetfully increases or decreases one of its components which is a pillar, it would not require a sajdat al-sahw, except that which shall be elaborated in article 1241.

    1240. If a person doubts whether he has carried out a component or condition of the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer after reciting the salÁm, he should dismiss his doubt.

    1241. If during the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, a person forgets to perform tashahhud or one sujÙd, and is unable to perform it during its own place, recommended precaution dictates that he should offer its qaÃÁ and two sajdat al-sahw if he omitted the tashahhud and if he omitted a sujÙd, he should offer its qaÃÁ.

    1242. If an iÎtiyÁÔ prayer, and the qaÃÁ of a sujÙd or qaÃÁ of a tashahhud, or two sajdat al-sahw become obligatory on a person, he should offer the iÎtiyÁÔ prayer first.

    1244. The rulings for doubts, inadverntence and conjecture in the other obligatory prayers are the same as their ruling in the daily obligatory prayers. For example, if a person engaged in the prayer for signs, doubts whether he has performed one or two rak‘ah, his prayer will be deemed invalid, as a doubt in a two rak‘ah prayer, invalidates it. If he conjectures he has performed one rak‘ah, or conjectures he has performed two rak‘ah, he should complete his prayer based on his conjecture.

    1244. The rulings for doubts, inadverntence and conjecture in the other obligatory prayers are the same as their ruling in the daily obligatory prayers. For example, if a person engaged in the prayer for signs, doubts whether he has performed one or two rak‘ah, his prayer will be deemed invalid, as a doubt in a two rak‘ah prayer, invalidates it. If he conjectures he has performed one rak‘ah, or conjectures he has performed two rak‘ah, he should complete his prayer based on his conjecture.

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