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    There are five instances where one is required to perform two sajdat al-sahw after the salÁm of prayer, in the manner that will be elaborated. These instances are as follows:

    1. When a person inadvertently speaks during prayer

    2. When a person forgetfully omits a tashahhud

    3. When a person entertains a doubt in a four rak‘ah prayer, rak‘ah after reciting the dhikr of the second sujÙd of the fourth rak‘ah, as to whether he has offered four or five rak‘ah. Similarly if a person doubts while standing whether he offered five or six rak‘ah, (he will have to perform two sajdat al-sahw) as elaborated in section four and nine of article 1207

    4. Based on obligatory precaution, when a person offers an inopportune salÁm, such as inadvertently offering it in the first rak‘ah

    5. Based on obligatory precaution, when a person forgetfully omits one sujÙd, and similarly when a person accidentally omits or adds a component of prayer
    Recommended precaution dictates that a person should also offer two sajdat al-sahw, for standing where one should be sitting, or sitting where one should be standing.

    1246. If a person speaks during prayer accidentally, or speaks under the impression that he has completed his prayer, he should offer two sajdat al-sahw.

    1247. It is not necessary to offer sajdat al-sahw for the sound produced by sighing, or coughing. However, if a person inadvertently verbalizes the sound akh or ah, he should offer two sajdat al-sahw..

    1248. If a person correctly repeats a thing that he had inadvertently recited in the wrong manner, he will not have to perform sajdat al-sahw for having recited it in the wrong manner.

    1249. If a person inadvertently speaks for some time during prayer, it is sufficient for him to offer two sajdat al-sahw if his speaking would be deemed as one speech in the common sense.

    1250. If a person inadvertently omits tasbÐÎÁt al-arba‘ah, obligatory precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw after his prayer.

    1251. If a person inadvertently recites (السَّلامُ عَلَيْنَا وَ عَلي عِبادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحين) or (السَّلامُ عَليْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكاتُهُ), in a place where salÁm should not be offered, obligatory precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw. He should similarly offer two sajdat al-sahw if he accidentally recites a part of the above two salÁm. However, if a person accidentally recites السَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ اَيُّهَا النَبِيُّ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكاتُه)), recommended precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw.

    1252. If a person recites all three salÁm inopportunely, two sajdat al-sahw will be sufficient.

    1253. If a person forgetfully omits a sujÙd or the tashahhud, and recollects prior to arriving at the rukÙ of the next rak‘ah, he should return and perform it. Recommended precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw for standing inopportunely.

    1254. If during rukÙ or after it, a person realizes that he omitted one sujÙd from the previous rak‘ah, he should offer its qaÃÁ after the salÁm, and obligatory precaution dictates that he should offer two sajdat al-sahw. Similarly, if during rukÙ or after it, a person realizes that he omitted the tashahhud from the previous rak‘ah, recommended precaution dictates that he should offer its qaÃÁ, and must offer two sajdat al-sahw.

    1255. If a person deliberately does not offer sajdat al-sahw after the salÁm of prayer, he will have sinned, and he is obligated to offer it at the earliest possible time. However, if a person forgets to offer it, he should do so immediately upon recollecting, and it is not necessary for him to repeat his prayer.

    1256. If a person doubts whether sajdat al-sahw has become obligatory on him or not, he is not obligated to perform it.

    1257. If a person doubts whether he is obligated to offer two sajdat al-sahw or four, it is sufficient that he offer two.

    1258. If a person knows that he has not performed one of the two sajdat al-sahw, and it is not possible to recover it, he should offer two sajdat al-sahw again. If he knows he has performed three, obligatory precaution dictates that he should perform two sajdat al-sahw again.

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